Broadheath C.E. Primary School
'Happy Children, Successful Learners'
Welcome to our website - the website gives you lots of information about our school. If you want to find out more, please do arrange a visit by contacting the school office. telephone 01905 640285 or via email, office@broadheath.worcs.sch.uk.
Broadheath C.E. Primary School and Pre-School is a vibrant school where every child is valued and challenged to achieve their very best.
'The school prioritises the wider personal development of pupils. Pupils enjoy the various opportunities to develop their talents and interests.' (OFSTED 2024)
We firmly believe our motto of ‘Happy Children, Successful Learners’ and all members of staff work as a team to secure the best outcomes for all pupils.
'Curriculum enrichment opportunities enable pupils to flourish, developing their courage, service and respect. They are challenged to think deeply whilst supporting and serving each other as learning buddies.' (SIAMS)
"Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him"
Colossians 3:17
As a Christian school our vision is that all children will know that everyone is loved by God. Our aim at Broadheath CE Primary School and Pre-School is to offer high quality education in a friendly, creative and challenging environment underpinned by our Christian ethos. We will live our shared School Values so that every person knows that they are listened to and cared for.
'Forgiveness, and respect are central to the behaviour policies and practices across the school.' (SIAMS)
Children will be encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and to understand what other people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, embracing our diverse world. Our community will be enriched by worship of God, study of the Bible and our prayerful interest in the life and words of His Son, Jesus.
We are part of DoWMAT. (Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust).
Becoming part of an Academy Trust was an important process for the school governors involved. The aim of the governors in becoming an academy was to ensure the continued success of Broadheath CE Primary and its pupils within a Trust who supported our ethos and values.
'The partnership with the diocesan multi-academy trust (MAT) has amplified the effectiveness of the vision. Governors actively sought a partner who would further develop their vision for the school.' (SIAMS)
We now receive our school support and challenge from the DoWMAT team and work collaboratively with the growing number of other schools which are also part of this multi-academy trust.
Please contact the school office, office@broadheath.worcs.sch.uk or by telephone, 01905 640285 if you wish to find out more about our school or to arrange a visit led by our school staff or wonderful School Council!
School Council Members
Please do explore our website for further information.
Copies of school policies are available, free of charge, on request to the school office.
Julia Randall - Headteacher