Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)
For our Safeguarding policy and statement please view "Safeguarding"
Mrs. Barbara BeardGovernor Responsible for Safeguarding
Mrs. Barbara Beard
Mrs. Julia Randall (Head of School)Designated Safeguarding Lead for School and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children
Mrs. Julia Randall (Head of School)
Mrs. Kirsteen Hunter-RiceDeputy Safeguarding Lead for School
Mrs. Kirsteen Hunter-Rice
Miss Laura Edmonds Pre-School ManagerDesignated Safeguarding Lead for Pre-School
Miss Laura Edmonds Pre-School Manager
Mrs. Tracey Manning Pre-school Deputy ManagerDeputy Safeguarding Lead for Pre-School
Mrs. Tracey Manning Pre-school Deputy Manager
Safeguarding contacts
- A Young Persons Guide to Cyberbullying and online harassment
- Childline Call 0800 1111
- Worcestershire Domestic Abuse Service (DAS) or 24hr Help Line 0800 980 3331
- Sexual Assault Referral Centre (The Glade) 0800 953 4133 01886 833555
- Worcestershire Family Front Door Day 01905 822 666 / 01905 768020 (out of hours)
- National Centre for Domestic Violence - (NCDV) 0800 970 2070
- Worcestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre - (WRSASC) 01905 724514
- National Stalking Helpline - 0808 802 0300
- Karma Nirvana - 0800 5999 247
- Paladin (National Stalking Advocacy Service) - 020 3866 4107
- Victim Support (Local) Victim Assessment & Referral Centre - 01905 726896
- Men's Advice Line - 0808 801 0327
- National Rape Crisis - 0808 802 9999
- National LGBT Domestic Abuse - 0300 999 5428
- Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare's Law)