Broadheath CE Primary School and Pre-School is part of the Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust. To see more about our Governance Structure and the Trust structure and Trustees please follow the links below.Broadheath Governors Terms of Reference Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy - Trust GovernanceSchool governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.
Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. If you feel you would like to know more about potentially becoming a governor please contact the school. Governors come from every background and all bring different skills.
The Executive Headteacher and Head of School are responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing body.
School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors also help appoint the Headteacher or Head of School. Governors have a responsibility to oversee finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the Senior Leadership Team to make decisions about balancing resources.
Each individual governor is a member the Local Academy Board, which then reports to the trustees of the Multi-Academy Trust. Broadheath CE Primary School is part of the Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust (DoWMAT). Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board.
The role of the Local Academy Board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- Help set the aims and objectives for the school
- Help set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)
Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements, other than a willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. All Governors sign up to the "Code of Conduct" for our Governing body.
There are different categories of governor:
- Parent
- Staff
- Foundation
- Local authority
- Co-opted
Our Governors
The new chair of governors, Mrs Julie Davison, can be contacted via the school:
01905 640285
We are required to disclose a Register of Interests, which includes governors terms of office and attendance at meetings it also lists their roles and relevant interests.
Broadheath Register of Interest and Attendance
Our Governors, except the Headteacher/Head of School, are appointed for 4 years. Clicking on the individual icon will reveal more information about them.
Julie DavisonChair, SEND, Pupil Premium and Art and Design
Julie Davison
Bryan Warnes B. Sc., M. ScVice-Chair, Science, Maths
Bryan Warnes B. Sc., M. Sc
Bryan moved to the West Midlands from the wilds of Norfolk at the tender age of eighteen, to study Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham. Following eight years as a Highways and Drainage Engineer with Birmingham City Council, a period as a Contracts Manager for a house building Company, interspersed with a year traveling around India, he re-entered academia. With a Masters degree in Irrigation Engineering under his belt, including a year in Pakistan, studying rice growing in the Punjab, he then worked as a Flood Defence Engineer with the National Rivers Authority.
The lure of foreign climes was too great however, and he moved to Southern Africa, with a two year contract for a British charity working for the Government of Lesotho. This involved supervising the construction of rural roads in the mountains, with a workforce of approximately five thousand women, using hand tools and labour based methods, in association with the World Food Programme.
The next ten years were spent living in Bolton and then Shropshire, managing a specialist Construction Sub-Contractor involved in diamond drilling, diamond sawing and robotic demolition of reinforced concrete structures throughout the UK. Bryan moved to Lower Broadheath in 2010, having become a father at the age of fifty. He is now a full time house husband, and helps with the PTA. He has often been in school as a parent helper - listening to readers and sharing his knowledge of the world, being slightly grumpy and selling raffle tickets to unsuspecting parents outside the school in all weathers. -
Barbara BeardSafeguarding Governor, Foundation Governor, English
Barbara Beard
Julia RandallHeadteacher
Julia Randall
Julia has been teaching for over twenty years in schools in Worcestershire across all age ranges but has mainly worked with upper Key stage 2 children. Julia was appointed Deputy Headteacher in September 2019 Â and became Head of School when the Leadership Team was re-modelled on joining the Dicocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust. Â She loves working with children and in particular at Broadheath Primary School, where there is a vibrant and purposeful atmosphere with plenty of humour to see everyone through each week!
Ian CraiganFoundation Governor, Health and Safety and R.E.
Ian Craigan
Ian is a freelance storyteller and community artist. He works in schools and community settings across the country using traditional tales from many countries, plus a few of his own devising. All this activity, along with regular fun and games with his grandchildren, keeps him very close to the needs and interests of young children. In the past he has worked for Worcester City and County Councils in community development work and Early Years - he helped to set up the Sure Start programme in the county. He is an active member of Christ Church, leading services and helping to organise activity. Together with his wife Ally, he runs monthly services for the whole school. In his spare time he is a barn dance caller and a Border Morrisman.
Jessica CheekParent Governor, Maths
Jessica Cheek
Sue RowlandsFoundation Governor, R.E., Pre-School, Prevent
Sue Rowlands
Sue is a retired speech and language therapist with a particular interest in preschool and primary aged children. She led research projects investigating children’s language development and disorders and speech and language therapy services. Her projects have also included investigations of parents’ and children’s views of language disorders and of speech and language therapy services.
Sue moved to the village at the end of 2019 just before the pandemic and is enjoying getting to know people in the village and being close to grandchildren. She is active member of Christchurch, helping to organise activities for children and families; she is also currently the Lay Chair for the Worcester Deanery. She can be spotted out and about in the village with her dog Poppy, a very enthusiastic and friendly golden retriever.
Stuart BeardCo-Opted Governor, Finance, ICT, Filtering and Monitoring
Stuart Beard
Sarah HoltStaff Governor
Sarah Holt
Matt FletcherParent Governor
Matt Fletcher
LAB generally meets once or twice a term.
Copies of minutes are available for free on request, please contact-
Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy - Trust Governance