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Broadheath Primary

Diocese of Worcester

The Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust are deeply committed to implementing a collaborative approach to developing and securing excellent educational provision for all our pupils.

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Pack Barn, Main Road, Kempsey, WR5 3PA

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Holiday Activities & Food in Schools


HAF School Bulletin 01

Welcome to the first HAF School Bulletin! 

Following our recent survey amongst Worcestershire schools to understand how accessible the HAF programme is for FSM-eligible children, we've collated all feedback and created an information sheet for schools to explain;

- What the HAF programme is
- Who is eligible
- How schools can assist in signposting & informing eligible families of HAF

Hopefully our PDF guide will be useful in explaining how the HAF programme operates in our county and how parents/carers can access and book activities for their children during the main school holidays - Easter, Summer and Christmas. 

Our reach is increasing year-on-year, but we know there are still some FSM-eligible children who are not booking up for school holiday activities and we're keen to support as many as possible so they know they can access the HAF programme. 

We're also keen to ensure schools have all the information they need and we're here should you have any queries or comments - we're always happy to help and take your feedback into our DfE reporting.

Download the HAF Info for Schools 2023 PDF here (this can be shared with parents/carers)

Easter activity planning is well underway and we'll be announcing when bookings will be open soon.

In the meantime, we're asking for all eligible families to ensure their children are signed up via our booking site - www.haf-it.co.uk - this means they will be verified and ready to book places as soon as bookings go live.

We also have a regular parent email newsletter - sign up via enquiries@hafworcestershire.co.uk

Should you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please let us know.

Many thanks & kind regards,

HAF Worcestershire Team