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Broadheath Primary

Diocese of Worcester

The Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust are deeply committed to implementing a collaborative approach to developing and securing excellent educational provision for all our pupils.

DoWMAT number 10390487
Field House, 29, Sansome Walk, Worcester WORCS WR1 1NU

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Be Safe Week

As part of our 'Be Safe Week' the children have experienced several visitors. Dr Harrop spoke with much expertise about bystander intervention and keeping yourself safe when witnessing incidents. Today several classes have had pedestrian training - learning about keeping themselves safe when out walking. The children also enjoyed the NSPCC assembly and class sessions about keeping safe and who to go to for help when needed. 

On Thursday as part of the NSPCC sessions there is a session in school from O2 for parents and how we can help keep children safe online - all are welcome. A booklet connected with this has also been uploaded to our website. 

More information about online safety from O2 and the NSPCC can be found by clicking here.