Our School
Broadheath C.E. Primary School and Pre-School is situated in the beautiful village of Lower Broadheath, next to Christ Church and the Village Hall.
Broadheath is a popular school serving the local catchment area of the village and surrounding areas including children from Worcester City itself and other local villages. Over recent years we have grown in numbers to around 150 children. There are limited spaces available in some year groups but we have more than our Pupil Admission Number of 20 pupils in most year groups.
The most recent Ofsted inspection, December 2024, stated:
'Pupils, parents and staff are united in their view that Broadheath is a community that feels like ‘a family’. The kind and nurturing relationships that are formed ensure that pupils feel happy and safe at school. This is a school where everyone feels included and where pupil voice matters.'
Broadheath CE Primary School and Pre-School is part of the Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust
We have close links with the local church including regular Family Services where parents and friends are welcome to join the school in worship in addition to services following the Church Year.
We strive to ensure that all of our staff and pupils are happy and successful and treat each other with respect and compassion.
‘Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’
Colossians 3:17
As a Christian school our vision is that all children will know that everyone is loved by God. Our aim at Broadheath CE Primary School and Pre-School is to offer high quality education in a friendly, creative environment underpinned by our Christian ethos.
The SIAMs Inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) in January 2023 stated, 'The loving family ethos leads to staff, pupils and families flourishing'
We will live our shared School Values so that every person knows that they are loved, listened to and cared for. Children are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and to understand what other people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, embracing our diverse world. Our community will be enriched by worship of God, study of the Bible and our prayerful interest in the life and words of His Son, Jesus.
'The school’s Christian vision is deeply embedded. All pupils and adults live this out through their words and deeds by ‘doing things as Jesus would’. They confidently articulate how the values and vision influence their daily lives both in and outside of school.' (SIAMS January 2023)
Find out more about what we do in school by reading our newsletters.
The school building is based on a Victorian school and chapel, which dates back to the 1870’s. The school environment ranges from these Victorian buildings up to a state of the art classroom currently used by our oldest pupils. We currently have 5 mixed age classes and our thriving Pre-School.
All classes are currently mixed-age classes with pupils from 2 year groups in each class. However, in the mornings reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are taught in small, single age classes.
If you want to find out more about our wonderful school or wish to arrange a visit please contact Gill or Nicky in the school office - 01905 640285