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Broadheath Primary

Diocese of Worcester

The Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust are deeply committed to implementing a collaborative approach to developing and securing excellent educational provision for all our pupils.

DoWMAT number 10390487
Pack Barn, Main Road, Kempsey, WR5 3PA

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Sports Premium Funding

What is the Sports Premium?

The funding for this project is provided from Government Departments with an aim to improve physical education (PE) and sporting provision across all primary schools. This money is provided to primary schools and can only be spent on PE and sport and is designed to improve the range and quality of sports available to children.

How can the money be spent?

Schools have the freedom to choose how they spend the money providing it directly impacts on PE provision. Some possible examples include:
Increasing pupil participation in all levels of competition
Employing specialist coaches to work with pupils and teachers
Provide extra resources and training to improve current sporting provision and to develop the range of sports offered
Jointly use the funding to improve participation with local schools
Encourage less active or minority groups to be involved in sporting activities and clubs
Develop both competitive and non-competitive sporting activities within school and across schools.

Evidencing the impact of PE Funding 2024-25

 Evidencing the impact of PE Funding 2023-24

How does Broadheath C.E Primary School use the funding?

Broadheath has a long history of being involved in sport and actively participates in cluster competitions as well as competitions involving all Worcestershire schools. All staff understand the importance of PE, sport and leading a healthy lifestyle. We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities which have included activities as diverse as climbing, judo, tri-golf and scooter hockey in addition to other sports and activities including dance, football, hockey, tag rugby, gymnastics and netball.

We encourage all pupils to participate in sporting events and festivals and actively signpost children to clubs to help develop participation and skills. Our commitment to sport has been acknowledged by a School Games PLATINUM award (following GOLD awards in several previous years) and the Youth Sport Trust SILVER Quality Mark for our commitment to physical education and school sport.

Broadheath is an active member of The Chantry School primary sports partnership and offer all pupils opportunities to be involved across the cluster of schools. We are proud that many of our ex pupils have become involved as Young Sports Leaders at The Chantry and are often involved in coaching, running and refereeing cluster events.