Physical Education
Pupils at Broadheath will experience high quality, increasingly competitive, skill based curriculum that will encourage pupils to be confident, indepenEdit / delete pagedent learners. This will be achieved through teaching social, healthy, thinking, creative and physical activities. It will provide a stimulating and challenging curriculum which encourages children to have a lifelong love of physical activity.
As part of the Chantry cluster partnership we embrace the aims outlined in the partnership vision statement. We believe a high quality PE curriculum should be an integral part of the whole school curriculum and one that staff, pupils and parents understand and can contribute to, which is why it is included in our School Development Plan, school website and PE notice boards.
Please click the link below to read our school vision for P.E. in more detail.
Our vision for PE at Broadheath PE Improvement Plan
Sports Funding
Our school recognises the values that a high quality PE and school sport curriculum gives pupils.
The School benefits from "Sports Premium Funding". The funding can only be spent in certain ways to find out more and see how the School spends the money.
Evidencing the Impact Plan 2023-2024Read more about the Sports Premium Funding
The PE Curriculum Map explains how the curriculum is progressed, for each class or year, throughout the year. The Map is supported by an Improvement Plan.