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Broadheath Primary

Diocese of Worcester

The Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust are deeply committed to implementing a collaborative approach to developing and securing excellent educational provision for all our pupils.

DoWMAT number 10390487
Field House, 29, Sansome Walk, Worcester WORCS WR1 1NU

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To find out more about the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) please click here.

Our School is “Voluntary Controlled” which means we have a connection with and are supported by the Church of England. As well as being inspected by Ofsted we are also inspected by the SIAMS team. They concentrate on our Christian character. Their inspection is called a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection.

We are pleased to share the report from our most recent inspection which was carried out on the 18th January. This inspection says that Broadheath Church of England Primary School and Pre-School is a GOOD school. The full report can be found by clicking here: SIAMS Report 2023.

But some of the inspector's comments are included below.

Broadheath Church of England Primary and Pre-school has become a family for all, but particularly the vulnerable who flourish here. This is a school where all feel loved and know that they are loved by God. Where the words spoken and actions taken demonstrate what Jesus would do.

Pupils, parents and staff all feel valued as individuals, no matter their background. Every child and family are loved as part of the school’s and God’s family.

Forgiveness, and respect are central to the behaviour policies and practices across the school.

All stakeholders talk passionately about the school being an extension of their family. That it cares for, listens to and loves them. This embodiment of the vision has led directly to the flourishing of pupils and families.

The partnerships between the school and church are particularly strong, leading to both spiritual and pastoral care for the whole community.

Curriculum enrichment opportunities enable pupils to flourish, developing their courage, service and respect. They are challenged to think deeply whilst supporting and serving each other as learning buddies. Leaders carefully select and monitor extracurricular activities to ensure that vulnerable pupils can fully participate and flourish.

Previously we were inspected during October 2015 and also found to be a 'good' school.

This previous inspection commented on the distinctiveness and effectiveness of Broadheath as a Church of England school:

* The children’s understanding and articulation of Christian values have a significant impact on their daily lives and achievements.

*Christian values permeate the whole life of the school and create an ethos that enables children to achieve well.

* Members of the church community contribute to school life with the result that there is mutual and substantial benefit to both.
* The ability of all stakeholders to articulate and promote a vision for the school is rooted in Christian values with the result that every child feels valued.

For further details please see the  2015 SIAMS Report.