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Broadheath Primary

Diocese of Worcester

The Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust are deeply committed to implementing a collaborative approach to developing and securing excellent educational provision for all our pupils.

DoWMAT number 10390487
Pack Barn, Main Road, Kempsey, WR5 3PA

Visit Site

Parents, Volunteers and Visitors

We welcome visitors to our school but follow strict guidelines to help safeguard our staff and children. All visitors must sign in at Reception and wear an appropriate lanyard whilst in school. We use red lanyards for visitors, orange lanyards for governors and grey lanyards for staff members.

Any regular volunteers who will be working with children are required to complete an application form, provide two references and complete an induction process - further details are available from the school office.

All contractors are required to provide evidence of appropriate checks and documentation to work within any schools in the Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust. 

We also have a leaflet available which provides safeguarding information and advice for all visitors. This is available in a paper copy in school and can be viewed below. 

parents and volunteers leaflet v6 september 2024.pdf