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Broadheath Primary

Diocese of Worcester

The Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust are deeply committed to implementing a collaborative approach to developing and securing excellent educational provision for all our pupils.

DoWMAT number 10390487
Pack Barn, Main Road, Kempsey, WR5 3PA

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Worship and Church


Family Service Dates for this term:

Harvest, 7th October.      Remembrance, 10th November.          Advent, 8th December.

Family Service Dates for the school year, follow the link below - all welcome.

Family Service Dates


In Summer all of the children took part in the 'Churches Count on Nature' project. This was a project to bring local people together to discover wildlife and nature in their local church yard. It was a nationwide project to show adults and children that churches are full of life and are interesting places to visit and places to find peace, enjoy the feeling of spirituality and be part of God's natural world. 

The children then produced a display for school and the church itself to share some of their findings. 



Please take time to look at some of our photographs from recent School and Family Services

Eucharist Service

Worship Photographs

Some examples from our school and Family Services


Here are some pictures of Worship displays in school - the displays help children to reflect on their learning and to raise and answer questions about their own faith.

Worship Displays



Staff, parents and children all loved the iSIng Pop concert in June. It was fascinating to have the songs connected to Bible stories and then to see everyone join in enthusiastically. Thanks once again to all members of the Church for their help in ensuring the concerts ran without a hitch. Particular thanks to Mike and Barbara Beard and Ian and Ally Craigan for their support and hard work.

I Sing Pop