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Broadheath Primary

Diocese of Worcester

The Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust are deeply committed to implementing a collaborative approach to developing and securing excellent educational provision for all our pupils.

DoWMAT number 10390487
Field House, 29, Sansome Walk, Worcester WORCS WR1 1NU

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Year 4 Multiplication Check

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies, including free schools, in England.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

In 2024, schools must administer the MTC to all eligible year 4 pupils between Monday 3 June and Friday 14 June.


In school, we work with the children to help them learn their times tables facts up to 12 times 12. By using the spinner below you can check times tables knowledge and learn the times tables at home as well.

The government have also published a leaflet for parents to explain the times tables check. 

Times tables Check Parent Information Leaflet